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Monday, November 26, 2012

My love for Geometry...

Hey! I know... It's been a little over a month since I posted something... You see... I go to school and at school I learn stuff. I'm basically studying and doing homework... Yeah... Sorry... I'm back to entertain y'all (yes, I say "y'all") with a new post! First of all, my best friend ,Brie has just started a blog. Now, go check it out here. It's in the red type... It says "here" and it's in red... Go... Now... Okay now that you have read it, please stay and read this post. 
Geometry, geometry... It is you I hate
Thanks to you, I might have a failing grade
Up and down the grading scale I go
If I am asked to help I simply say "No"
Whenever I work on proofs I say "Eww"
Because the sight of you makes me think of poo
Sincere apologies but Algebra I prefer
Because in my head, it doesn't create a war

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Hello! Uh... Um... I know it's been quite some time since my last post.... BUT!!!! To make up for that, I will post something random. 
Today, when I went to feed the horses, I saw that one of the hay bales had a few thorns. I started thinking about animals with protective "mechanisms", I guess you could say. After an infinite list of animals, I came to the conclusion that turtles are awesome. Yes, I am very well aware that it makes no sense. Please, bare with me here; This is going somewhere, I promise. I began to become inspired with awesome Biblical reasons why the majestic turtle is, in fact, awesome. Now, let's move on towards the Biblical reason.
Turtles have an awesome protection mechanism. This mechanism is, of course, the shell. The shell is meant to protect the turtle from any predator. We, wait for it, are the turtle. Yes, I know it seems a bit weird, but I'm getting there. The shell represents God's embrace. You know how little kids run to their parents and hug them tight whenever they feel scared? Satan is the vicious predator that is waiting to attack us when let our guard down. Satan is always on the prowl, waiting to take the turtles who have let their guard down. We should always stay close to God because we want to be protected and away from the predators.
I hope you enjoyed this random inspiration of mine. Thanks for reading! Bye!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Hello! Uh... It's been a while since I've posted... Don't worry, I'm alive and well. The reason why I haven't posted anything is because I've been busy with school and such. Now, just to post something  because it's been a while; I will tell you about something that I really enjoy. One day at church we had this lesson. The title was different but the lesson gave me something to think about. 
A man once had a goat. This man was very fond of his goat.  One day, the man was digging a hole for a water well. The goat was walking around and fell into the hole. The man looked everywhere for the goat and found that the goat had fallen into the hole. After trying and trying, the man decided to fill the hole up. The man got his shovel and started to pour the dirt on the goat. When the dirt would fall, the goat would just shake it off and pat it down. After a while, the hole had filled up and the goat was able to return to the man. 
I learned a lot from this story. I learned that the dirt is our sin. Whenever we fall into a hole and we need to get out of it, we should just shake off the "dirt" thrown at us and leave it under our feet. Jesus also experienced that in the wilderness when Satan tried to tempt Him. After every temptation, Jesus would just shake it off and leave it under his feet. 
With that being said, I hope that we can also overcome every hardship and leave it beneath us. 
Thanks for reading! I'll try to post soon!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Evil Wasps, Sleep Deprivation, and First Week of School

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted something, so I will take this time to post. 
It was this past Sunday afternoon. My dad invited his friend to come with the family to eat. My dad and I set up the grill and as I was walking down the porch towards my dad to hand him a few things that he needed, this wasp decides to fly towards me. I simply, not wanting to get in its business, stepped away from its path of destruction. I, the luckiest person on the planet, was not so lucky. The wasp just came towards me and landed on my arm. In an "orderly" fashion, I swatted the wasp. It fought back and my left arm got hit. I called my dad for reinforcements. He hit the wasp with his hat. He missed... The wasp apparently had friends. I got hit once again, twice on my back. I lost the war... I will be careful next time.
This week I started school. I am now in a Junior in High-school. Every morning has been terrible. I've had to wake up early every single day! Due to this torture, I've been feeling sleep deprived. When you are deprived of your sleep, you feel tired and not normal. The brain is unable to work properly. The effects are worse when you're on medication because you were about three times by a wasp... Even after the swelling and itchiness from the stings were gone, the lack of sleep decided to stay. 
There you have it! My week of pain and lack of sleep. I still made it through the week. If I can do it, you can to... Well... Now I am done with this post. Until the next post! Bye!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friends and Computer Clumsiness

Hello! You might be wondering what the second part of the title means. Well, I'll tell you when I get there my fellow readers. 
This week, many schools have started a new school year. Luckily, I have not. Until the 20th, that is... Brie had invited to hangout with her and Ben, her brother, on Wednesday. Wendy was also invited, so she rode with me. When we arrived, we sat down and ate pizza, fruit roll ups, and fudge rounds. After we ate, we played a variety of many games, which includes the following: Madgab, Taboo, and Life. Each of these games became quite interesting and hilarious, very hilarious. Life was probably the funniest because of our "life." after hanging out, we went to church and had prayer night. When church ends, I always ride the church bus. Wendy does too, considering the fact that her mom drives the church bus. On the way home, Wendy and I decide to hang out some more at my house... Sure enough, we had coffee and laughed and acted crazy, like we always do... Then we took her home. 
Now it is Friday, technically Saturday, but the day of this horrible incident took place Friday. Anyway, it was around 9-ish when I was getting ready to just lay down and read for a bit. Me, being a big idiot, decided to put the laptop on the ground while I cleared my bed of books t.v. remotes and other stuff. Well, next to my bed was a chair, because I have a chair in my room. As I begin to fold the chair and remove it, my talented self, tripped on carpet and I hit the laptop... Now, the screen is cracked and I don't know anybody who is able to fix it... Now you're asking yourself "If the computer is broken, how is he blogging?" I still have my old computer just incase of emergencies... 
So there you have it, you have friends and a Christmas present from your parents. Atleast the computer broke and not the friendship. I, David Varela, have the worst luck... Now it is late and tomorrow I begin my quest to replace my cracked computer screen. Thanks for reading! Good night!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Karla: The Psychopath...

Hello! Since I have nothing to write about, I will write about my psychopath of cousin. Karla, if you're reading this, I love you!
Karla is a human, of course, but sometimes she's not of this world... She is psychotic and hilarious. She always manages to put a smile on someone's face. I've known her my WHOLE life. Sixteen LONG years of being cousins, arguing, and everything in between. Karla is very talented. She can draw, cook, play the following instruments; flute, piccolo, bass flute, violin, viola,and cello. She is also very intelligent. She is one of my favorite cousins. I love her very much. Although she lives in Texas, we video chat just to talk and see each other. Whenever I go to Texas, we don't even sleep. We stay up all night talking and laughing. Even when we argue, we end up laughing about it later. She is my best friend. Karla, i love you cuz! 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Friday and Saturday Busyness

Hello! I would've posted last night, but I was to tired to do so.
Friday was a great day! That morning, I finished another book. If you're wondering, that was the 8th book I've read this summer. Anyway, back to the rest of my day. I then went to Wendy's house for a party thing. I got there early... Very early.. But I helped putting up decorations and such. Once the party thing started, we ate and ate and ate. We tried to go swimming, but there was thunder and lightning. I then left. Once I got home, I basically just slept.
Yesterday was also quite fun. Wendy asked me if I wanted to go with her to a family reunion in Enid, Mississippi. When we got there, we ate and ate. It got really hot and we wanted to swim in the lake but we needed life jackets. After awhile of being there, we left. Earlier that day, I got the book series that I finished and gave them to wendy so that she could read them. So she basically read the first book all day. Once we got to her house, we got in the pool and swam. After a bit of swimming, we got out and watched Iron Man for awhile and then we ate. Wendy then started craving something sweet and creamy, so she got a spoon and got some icecream and chocolate frosting. So she was a bit crazy and such. Then I left and when I got home I slept.
So the past two days I was pretty busy So thank you for reading. Don't forget to share my life happenings with people! Bye!