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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Hello! Uh... Um... I know it's been quite some time since my last post.... BUT!!!! To make up for that, I will post something random. 
Today, when I went to feed the horses, I saw that one of the hay bales had a few thorns. I started thinking about animals with protective "mechanisms", I guess you could say. After an infinite list of animals, I came to the conclusion that turtles are awesome. Yes, I am very well aware that it makes no sense. Please, bare with me here; This is going somewhere, I promise. I began to become inspired with awesome Biblical reasons why the majestic turtle is, in fact, awesome. Now, let's move on towards the Biblical reason.
Turtles have an awesome protection mechanism. This mechanism is, of course, the shell. The shell is meant to protect the turtle from any predator. We, wait for it, are the turtle. Yes, I know it seems a bit weird, but I'm getting there. The shell represents God's embrace. You know how little kids run to their parents and hug them tight whenever they feel scared? Satan is the vicious predator that is waiting to attack us when let our guard down. Satan is always on the prowl, waiting to take the turtles who have let their guard down. We should always stay close to God because we want to be protected and away from the predators.
I hope you enjoyed this random inspiration of mine. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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